Bhool Na Payegi Zahra | Naeem Abbas Noha khan Party Markazi Sangat Al Hassan | 21 Ramzan Noha

2023-05-29 3

Bhool Na Payegi Zahra | Naeem Abbas Noha khan Party Markazi Sangat Al Hassan
| 21 Ramzan Noha | Shahadat Mola Ali

reictor:Naeem Abbas party ravi road
Soz & Kalam: Akhtar Hussain Akhtar
Audio By: Chand Ali
Video & Edit by: Faisal Shahbaz

imam Ali's martyrdom occurred in the city of Kufa, in present-day Iraq, during the morning prayers on the 19th of Ramadan. He was struck with a poisoned sword by an assassin named Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam,

Imam Ali's martyrdom is considered a deeply significant event in Islamic history, particularly for Shia Muslims. It marks the end of the Rashidun Caliphate and the beginning of a schism that led to the division between branches of Islam.

On the 21st of Ramadan, known as "Yaum-e-Ali" or the Day of Ali, many Muslims, especially Shia Muslims, commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Ali. This day is observed with various activities such as mourning processions, recitation of eulogies and poetry, and lectures that focus on the life, teachings, and virtues of Imam Ali.

The commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Ali is an opportunity for Muslims to reflect on his legacy, his contributions to Islam, his unwavering devotion to justice and piety, and his role as a spiritual guide for Muslims. It is a time to remember and honor his sacrifice and to draw inspiration from his teachings and example.

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